C&K Market, Inc. is committed to helping our local communities grow and prosper. Now All Access Rewards is making contributing easier than ever! As an All Access Rewards member you can choose a local charity or non-profit organization to support and we will give 1% back of all your qualified purchases to that organization. By enriching local communities, everyone benefits, building a place that thrives, and a place that is being created because people care.
With account information in hand either call, email or visit your local store to connect your account with you favorite charity or non-profit organization.
Start shopping and earning 1% for your organization! Your qualified purchases will automatically be tracked and reported for you when you use your All Access Rewards Card at any of our store locations.
If your organization is interested in participating in our Community Rewards program please start by downloading the application below. If you have any questions specific to the application process contact us communityrewards@ckmarket.com.
Check the list of organizations currently participating in our All Access Community Rewards program by clicking the link below.
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